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Results are ordered by relevance, with exact matches first. Band names and song titles automatically rank higher in your results. Results are also ordered by frequency (how many times a word appears on a page) so words repeated throughout a song make the best search keywords. Click 'Help' on the search results page for details on using operators (+/-) and wildcards (*/?).

Omit common words like 'the' and 'I' unless you're searching by song title or band name. If you're trying to identify and locate a song by some of its lyrics, omit any words you're not sure about instead of guessing. Avoid words/phrases with the potential for multiple spellings, like 'wanna' and 'want to'.

Instead of returning repeatedly to the A-Z index pages, use the MASTERLIST. It loads in the sidebar, and contains the entire band directory. Some bands don't appear on the A-Z pages, and the site search might not include recently added bands and songs. The masterlist is always up-to-date and is always complete.

Click the EXPLORE HERE link on band/song pages to load resources specific to that band, like their official site, a discography, and links from the DMOZ Open Directory @ Google. Whenever possible, a link to the band's complete lyrics is also provided. Usually this is a fansite and often includes other detailed information like song meanings, live set lists, and more.

If you discover one of these links broken, or no longer up-to-date, use the message board to make a note of it so that link can be replaced. If there isn't a link like this for a particular band but you know of (or later find) a good fansite with the band's lyrics, post the site's URL on the message board so other fans can find it.

On song pages, the album (or original album) on which the song can be found is noted, and this is usually an active link directly to that album's detail page at either Amazon Music, Tower Records, or CDNOW. This allows you quick access to more information about that album, like reviews and sound samples. Some discography links also go directly to similiar detail pages instead of a page here on the site. This is usually temporary, and a permanent discography here will eventually replace that link.

Please keep in mind this site is basically the hobby of a single music fan. As a visitor, you can help keep the site useful and accurate by using the message board to point out errors or outdated pages. This kind of feedback is greatly appreciated, but feel free to post any types of comments, and don't hesitate to request songs or bands you'd like to see added to the site.

Looking for tabs? Audio? Go to Music-Sites.net

Respect the copyright! All lyrics remain copyright their respective owners and
are posted here solely as a private educational resource for music fans.